Geneforge Wiki

Rogue is a term used in the Geneforge Series to describe a creation that is no longer under control of its creator or task manager; in other words, it completely acts upon its will. Rogues are outlawed by both Shaper and Rebel doctrine and are hunted down by them.

Rogues range anywhere from fyoras and thahds to serviles. They are one of the main sources of experience for the Playable Character and roam nearly all of the uninhabited areas of the games.

Creations are not designed to operate rogue, and so less intelligent rogue may operate in a state of confusion or even existential angst. Newly rogue creatures often move in a 'jerky and confused' way, with visible signs of agitation.

In the games there's sometimes mention of there being too many rogues that never seem to diminish in number. This is later revealed to be a result of the creation of Spawners and, in the case of Geneforge 3, the Warped Creator.


The tendency to go rogue depends on several key factors. These factors are:

  • Intelligence: A highly intelligent creation would know exactly what is happening to it and act upon what it wishes to do. The Shapers' relatively harsh control methods increase rogue tendencies for their faction. Intelligent creatures are, for the most part, outlawed, yet a few distinct exceptions are made.
  • Knowledge: Shapers attempt to find out as much as they can about their creations. Relatively new creations, such as Wingbolts are not fully understood and are not as rogue-resistant as other creations such as the fyora.
  • Skill: The skill of a Shaper naturally comes into play; Shapers that create servants better and have higher leadership skills often do not experience rogues. In the game, the skill Leadership sometimes determines the Playable Character's ability to control abandoned creations and can prevent them from attacking.
  • Treatment: How Shapers treat their creations has an effect on their rogue tendencies; this question comes up in the games largely. Harsh, total control is one way of dealing with creations, and leniency is yet another way. Both methods have their strengths and flaws.


Shapers do not allow rogues at all in their land. On sight, they are trained to destroy and absorb creations that display rogue characteristics. Labs with dangerous shaping are usually surrounded by blast doors and shield rings to prevent unstable rogue creations from exiting.

The Geneforge games have quests where the player is asked to hunt down rogues and collect bounties.
